Saturday, July 24, 2010

Clairy (aka Mac Book Air) is my new best friend!

Speakeasy sails past the Chicago Light and into Monroe Harbor Thursday evening, 21 days since leaving for South Haven on July 1st. 21 days with great weather, adventures, food, family and friends. This year before the memories fade, I will choose a photo for each day and describe it.

Clairy will help. I've been waiting for her for three years. First time I laid eyes on her I knew she would increase my enjoyment of writing. She would keep procrastination at bay. But how could I justify the price of $1700 when I already had a durable Mac G4 (purchased with the discerning help of my son Thomas in 2004)? I wait for the price to drop. It doesn't. Even after the iPad's introduction, the Mac Book Air = $1700.

On our shake-down cruise end of June, we visit fellow sailors Ellen and Ciro who rave about their twin Mac Book Airs: "Perfect for the boat!"

Why do I deny myself something which will help me write a one-woman show. If the Mac Book Air can make that happen, why resist?

Mark recommends Small Dog Computers. For a limited time only, a Mac Book Air costs $1200 plus software. In a mad rush I beg the sales person (yes, I do speak with a real person) to ensure my Mac Book Air will arrive Thursday July 1st. The day we leave.

Then I alert the building engineer of The Franklin Building. "Please, Frank, I'm getting an important package which requires a signature."

"OK, Elizabeth. It comes. I sign."

Rushing out for last minute errands, I see the the delivery truck. I approach the driver to ask him to contact Frank in case I'm not back for the afternoon run. "Sure, but I know you. How 'bout I just sign your initials?"

Oh, my. I live in a neighborhood: Printer's Row where people look out for one another.

When I arrive home, the package leans against my door. As I unpack the Mac Book Air, two plastic doggies fall out. Small Dog Computers is a funky firm! I'll leave the bull dog to guard our apartment. The little sqatty dog comes on Speakeasy! Yeah, we have a mascot!

And I have my Mac Air Book. But I cannot pronounce it. Look, I've just typed it incorrectly. She (yes, she) needs a new name to distinguish her from the Mac Power Book G4, the iPad and our two iPhones.

She is christened Clairy: How so? Mac + Air = Mary. Too plain. If I use McClain, the clan of my Scottish forebears, I get McClainy. Nope. Suddenly "Clairy" introduces herself.

She is my new best friend!

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