Clairy will help. I've been waiting for her for three years. First time I laid eyes on her I knew she would increase my enjoyment of writing. She would keep procrastination at bay. But how could I justify the price of $1700 when I already had a durable Mac G4 (purchased with the discerning help of my son Thomas in 2004)? I wait for the price to drop. It doesn't. Even after the iPad's introduction, the Mac Book Air = $1700.
On our shake-down cruise end of June, we visit fellow sailors Ellen and Ciro who rave about their twin Mac Book Airs: "Perfect for the boat!"
Why do I deny myself something which will help me write a one-woman show. If the Mac Book Air can make that happen, why resist?
Mark recommends Small Dog Computers. For a limited time only, a Mac Book Air costs $1200 plus software. In a mad rush I beg the sales person (yes, I do speak with a real person) to ensure my Mac Book Air will arrive Thursday July 1st. The day we leave.
Then I alert the building engineer of The Franklin Building. "Please, Frank, I'm getting an important package which requires a signature."
"OK, Elizabeth. It comes. I sign."
Rushing out for last minute errands, I see the the delivery truck. I approach the driver to ask him to contact Frank in case I'm not back for the afternoon run. "Sure, but I know you. How 'bout I just sign your initials?"
Oh, my. I live in a neighborhood: Printer's Row where people look out for one another.
When I arrive home, the package leans against my door. As I unpack the Mac Book Air, two plastic doggies fall out. Small Dog Computers is a funky firm! I'll leave the bull dog to guard our apartment. The little sqatty dog comes on Speakeasy! Yeah, we have a mascot!
And I have my Mac Air Book. But I cannot pronounce it. Look, I've just typed it incorrectly. She (yes, she) needs a new name to distinguish her from the Mac Power Book G4, the iPad and our two iPhones.
She is christened Clairy: How so? Mac + Air = Mary. Too plain. If I use McClain, the clan of my Scottish forebears, I get McClainy. Nope. Suddenly "Clairy" introduces herself.
She is my new best friend!
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