Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Leland to Manistee

Speakeasy got out of her slip in Leland at 0400 into. Dark, in other words. There was a light southerly breeze that picked up to 20 later. The calm sea was supposed to build throughout the day. By 0700 the wind had increased to 17 knots and the waves to 3 feet. By 1000 the wind was 20 knots and the waves were 3-5 feet. We rounded Pt Betsey about 1100. 

We were motor sailing in order to reach Manistee at a reasonable hour. By the time we were 8 NM from Manistee we could let out all of the jib and head straight toward the Manistee light. 

The Manistee River greeted us with a wall of heat so powerful we thought we were entering an autoclave. Manistee Municipal Harbor had space for us at their new facility, which had just opened a couple week earlier. The only problem was that river back rocks prevented boats from getting very close to the onshore electricity and water. One either packs an extension cable or docks stern-in. I had docked a couple weeks earlier, so it was Beth's turn. After a trip to the fuel dock, she took Speakeasy out into the river and twirled her around. Then, powered her back into the slip. Nicely done. 
Skipper Beth on Speakeasy docked stern-in, Manistee

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