Friday, July 18, 2014

Dinner with a Freind

Leland, MI is a great place even when the wind and waves are up and the temperature is 10 degrees below normal. We don't usual get to enjoy Lelamd when the weather is nice because we push off the dock then. So it was a special delight that our single-hander friend, David, sailed Windwise south from Petosky to dine with us at the Riverview Inn.

Earlier in the day we walked Java along the wooded streets and passed a campsite of cyclists at the school. The cyclists had ridden from Frankfort that morning. Just as we had sailed from there the day before. 

We made friends with boaters who had been in Frankfort with us and Java made friends with other sailor dogs, except one Schnauzer. 

When David pulled into the harbor the wind was 20 kts from the NW making it challenging to dock, but he had help from Harbormaster Russell and others and slipped in up close to the boaters lounge. Very convenient. We invited David over to Speakeasy for chess and a new drink we named Leland Stormy consisting of hot ginger tea and rum. 

That evening we dined on Whitefish and Walleye with lots of conversation about sailing and destinations. For desert, we each had a Hummer, which consisted of ice cream, Kahkua, and rum. Yum!

Mark Gillingham | @markgillingham | 773-797-9560 | |

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